Circle Sanctuary is a legally recognized Wiccan church based in Wisconsin, and is incorporated as a non-profit religious organization. Founded in 1974 by Selena Fox, Circle Sanctuary has actively worked to promote public awareness of modern Pagan religions, including Wicca.

Although Circle Sanctuary isn’t necessarily a tradition in and of itself, it has been a valuable resource for Pagans and Wiccans since its inception. Before the widespread availability of the Internet, Circle Sanctuary was often the only networking source available for Pagans in smaller towns, by way of their quarterly magazine.

In addition to networking, Circle Sanctuary has always had a sense of positive activism. The group was instrumental in the Veteran’s Pentacle Quest, and thanks to their work, deceased Pagan and Wiccan veterans can now have the pentacle displayed on their headstones in military cemeteries. Circle Sanctuary members also founded the Lady Liberty League, which offers legal assistance and support to Pagans and Wiccans facing religious discrimination cases.

Circle Sanctuary sponsors public events regularly, but the most popular remains Pagan Spirit Gathering (PSG), which is held every year during the week preceding Summer Solstice.

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