Can one learn psychic abilities? The answer is that you can learn to develop them. Everyone has psychic abilities in some form or another. It’s like singing – everyone can sing but some people sing betterthan others. Okay, some people sing MUCH better than others! The focus here is really on psychic development.

Here are a few basic concepts you can work with as you prepare to develop your psychic abilities…

Stage 1:
Those who have dabbled in developing the basic psychic ability that all of us are born with. They have played at runes, or Ouija boards or Tarot cards, read some books on the subject and perhaps had some interesting results developing one of the types of psychic abilities. Perhaps they start to incorporate a lot of New Age and esoteric vocabulary into their speech. There is nothing wrong with this – we all have to start somewhere – but unfortunately, many people at Stage 1 set up shop as “psychics”.

Stage 2:
Those who have grown past being titillated by parlor tricks, and have begun to realize their psychic development is just one step on their own unique spiritual path. Those at Stage 2 can often “read the field”. This is a metaphor for seeing what is on a person’s mind and simply relaying it back to them. In essence, the psychic is doing little more than telling someone what that person already knows. While this makes the psychic look good, it is not terribly useful to the person requesting the reading.

Stage 3:
At the risk of lapsing into New Age-speak, a Stage 3 psychic has the ability to tap into truly “higher energy” and go beyond telling people what they already know. They might use Numerology or Tarot cards, but they don’t need them. Tarot cards, for example, are not the source of a Stage 3’s divination, but they still have great value to the psychic as a counseling tool. And at Stage 3, that’s really what the talent is about: counseling others and giving them the insight they need to take the next step on their own spiritual journey. If a stage 3 has enough life experience, and is a good communicator, then they can become an authentic psychic counselor.

1. Meditation.

The body is made up of seven basic energy centers (sometimes called Chakras) starting from just below your navel and going up to the top of your head. The bottom three centers deal with the physical body, and the top ones deal with the spiritual body. When you start becoming aware of your psychic abilities you tend to start putting more energy into your top Chakras and this can put your energy fields out of balance. This is where Meditation comes in. Meditation is important because it allows your mind to open up without any active thought controls. As your abilities develop you will learn to trust the images that pop into your head while you are meditating. If you find the idea of meditating boring, just remember that meditation does not mean just sitting on the floor and gazing into a candle. Meditation is any state where you can relax your mind. I highly recommend physical or active meditation. It’s important to keep your physical body active and grounded as you pursue psychic development. This happens when you do something physical – dance, exercise, walk, jog, etc. – that disengages your thought processes and lets your mind open up. The second benefit of physical meditation is that it is physical and helps keep your energy centers balanced. Balanced energy fields are key to gaining some control over the emotional side effects of pursuing psychic development and consequently gaining some control over your abilities.

2. Emotions.

As you develop your psychic abilities, it is very common to start picking up on and reacting to the emotions of people around you, but thinking that these emotions are your own. These are false emotions in that they are not yours, but the residue of other people’s emotions. By this I mean that you react emotionally to situations that wouldn’t normally affect you. In order to begin to work with your abilities and have some semblance of control over your situation, you have to learn to recognize the emotions that are NOT yours and therefore do NOT require your reaction or participation. I know this sounds confusing but it really isn’t that difficult to do. Whenever you feel an emotion you need to step back from it for a moment and decide whether what you are feeling has any direct connection to you personally, i.e. you are sad because you read a sad book or your pet is sick, or you are angry because the clerk in the store was rude or your friend was mean to you. These are all directly related to your own personal experience and are your emotions to feel and react to. However, if you feel emotions that you can’t trace back to you, or to something that you experienced, then you need to recognize that these emotions may well be coming from someone else. Acknowledge these emotions and/or visions and then put them aside until you know how, where, or with whom to act on them. For example, you feel sad for no reason, therefore YOU are not sad but you are picking up sadness from someone else. Put the emotion aside, it is not yours! As your day or week or sometimes even month or year progresses, you will eventually come across the person or situation where that emotion came from. At that time you will be able to offer empathy or assistance based on the emotion your psychic abilities picked up on earlier.

3. Everyday Life.

The important thing to remember is not to take yourself too seriously. To learn psychic abilities is like developing any talent, it adds to who you already are but it doesn’t have to define who you are. If you spend all of your time fixating on it, ignoring other aspects of your personal development, you will inhibit your ability to use this talent to its fullest. As you continue to develop your abilities you will find that your psychic experiences create less of a shock in your everyday life. In other words, they will become more “normal” and with that, you will be able to tune into this energy more easily and access information when you need it. Meditate to allow your mind to open up, recognize your emotions from those around you and, most importantly, keep your balance.


You will learn about your mental makeup and how your particular mind processes the input you receive through your five senses. By identifying your mental strengths, you can use them to enter a self-hypnotictrance and conduct other powerful exercises that will help you get in touch with your third eye and the Golden Light of the Universe, so that you may make progress in your psychic development.

The Five Senses

You have five different ways of experiencing what takes place around you. You see, you hear, you feel (both by touch and emotion), you taste, and you smell. Some of you may be lacking in one or more of these sense receivers. It is possible that you might be blind, deaf, or have no sense of smell or taste.

Just as your physical genetic makeup is different from anyone else’s in the world, so is your mental makeup. Understanding your mental makeup will help you communicate better, not only with yourself, but also with others. You will be able to explain your own mind and understand how someone else’s mental makeup works. This will help you get your message across more easily and more effectively.

When one of these senses is lacking, another one takes over. A blind man usually has a strong ability to hear and feel. Someone who lacks the sense of taste will rely on food textures for enjoyment. Sometimes a sense is overdeveloped, and it is hard to filter out the stimulation received through that sense. The overstimulation of one sense can cause you to go out of focus and to become unbalanced and ungrounded.

As you consider how you process information through your senses, you will find that you rely on some input more than on other. You may be very strong in one sensory arena and perhaps weak or have no input at all in another. The object is to identify how your mind works, not how to modify it to fit a certain format. Remember, there is no one else like you on this earth. You are unique and special.

Sense-Imagery Exercises

To help you figure out what senses you most rely on, you may try the following sense-imagery exercises. These exercises do not require privacy. In fact, you can try them with a friend or a small group. After you are done, you can compare the differences in your responses among yourselves.

As you identify your mental makeup, take note of the positive images you can produce. These images can be an aid in deepening your self-hypnotic trances. The more you allow yourself to experience the positive feelings that they generate, the deeper you will go into trance.

Your Sense of Vision

Vision is the most commonly used sense for communication because most people are highly visual. Would you like to find out if you are, too? When you are ready, find a comfortable place, take a deep breath, exhale, and focus on your third eye. Then, consider the following questions.

Can you imagine picture images in your mind? If so, are they in color, black-and-white, or somewhere in between? Are they clear, bright, and in focus, or are they unclear and out of focus? Can you change the picture, such as seeing it in a different time, either in the past or in the future? Do you see it as a movie or as a still photograph?

Can you rewind a moving picture in your mind and watch it again, or stop it and focus on a single frame? Can you move the picture, bring it closer, push it farther away, or change the angle? Can you view it from above or from a lower position?

There are two types of visual images: experienced and dissociated. “To dissociate” means to be apart from the picture without feeling any emotions in connection with it. Some of you can dissociate from an image in your mind, and some of you cannot. It is good for you to know your image ability as you work on psychic development.

Can you see yourself in the picture? Can you see the picture without seeing yourself? Can you see yourself at a different age, either younger or older? Can you see colors around people in your imagination? Can you see energy forms or other elements in your mind?

Your Sense of Hearing

Next, you can examine your sense of hearing. Can you imagine sounds in your head? If so, what are they? Can you imagine music or sounds of nature, such as birds singing or the sounds of the ocean? Can you turn the volume up or down in your mind?

Can you hear conversations taking place in your head? Can you hear your own voice? Do these voices talk to you, and are they part of something other than yourself? Can you have a discussion with a voice in your head?

Can you see a picture in your mind and hear the sounds that go with it? Can you put yourself in the picture image and move around and hear sounds or conversations from different locations? Can you watch the image as if it were a movie or a video and still be able to hear the sound? Do you picture guides or other beings who talk to you?

If you have voices in your mind that are persistently negative and create bad thoughts for you, you should seek out a licensed mental health professional in your area for proper guidance.

What You Feel

It is also important to examine your feelings. Can you imagine emotions? Are you able to experience feelings such as happiness, loneliness, or sadness in your mind? Can you intensify and weaken these emotions at will? Can you imagine visual pictures that create emotional feelings in yourself? Can you disconnect your emotions from the images in your mind? Can you step in and out of the scene, feeling and then not feeling the emotions connected to it, as you wish?

Can you feel the emotions of different people in a visual image? Is it easy to be overcome by emotional images in your mind? Do you connect emotions to certain sounds or music? Do you feel emotions in certain places or objects? Can you connect seeing, hearing, and emotional feelings in the same image?

Can you imagine feeling positive, negative, or healing energy in your mind’s images? Can you imagine positive energies going through your body? Can you feel energy in terms of certain colors? Can you put yourself inside one of your mental images and imagine feeling temperatures, textures, and the weight of different objects? Could you feel the length of hair or the texture of the clothes being worn?

The sense of feeling is called the kinesthetic sense. You experience your kinesthetic information in two different ways: internally, as an emotional process, and externally, as a tactile or touch experience.

Can you combine emotions and your sense of touch? Can you connect the kinesthetic sense to the visual and hearing senses? Can you dissociate and watch a visual and sound image, and yet feel the emotions and certain touches? Can you step in and out of the image and see, hear, and feel it in your mind?

Your Senses of Smell and Taste

Can you imagine smells in your mind? Can you add smells to a mind’s image? Can you put yourself in that picture and move around, and experience different smells? Can you intensify or weaken smells in your mind?

Can you connect smells with emotional feelings, or with sounds, foods, nature, or other mind images? Can you connect smells and tastes? Can you picture foods and connect tastes with them? Can you imagine eating a meal and tasting the different ingredients? Can you feel different emotions connected to different tastes?

Now it’s time to put all your senses together. Can you step into an image in your mind, and see, hear, feel, taste, and smell? Can you move about experiencing a wide variety of sensory images? Can you intensify or decrease all of your imagery? Can you step in and out of all of your sensory images?

A Self-Hypnosis Trance

Now that you have explored how your imagery recall works and what senses work best for you, it may be time to learn how to use some relaxation exercises to go into a self-hypnotic trance. This self-hypnosis exercise is designed for you to count yourself downward and deep inside yourself, to a place where you feel the Universal Energy that flows through your connection to the Universal Mind. It is in that place, deep inside you, that you are connected with the Universe; through that place, you become the open channel.

This exercise is designed to help you use your sense imagery to build an even stronger link through your third eye to your unconscious and your Universal Mind. By anticipating and recalling a positive memory experience, you put yourself in your “comfort zone.” This process also helps sharpen your focus on something that is positive and relaxing.

You may also incorporate trance elements of the exercises from the previous chapters. The more you focus on the image of a positive relaxing experience, the more you open yourself to the Universal Energy. Your psychic gifts are a natural part of this process. As you allow them to be open to the Universal Flow, you will get psychic messages that are much clearer.

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